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The Art of Positive Change
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The Art of Positive Change
Top three of most visited pages:

Learning to Change the Future, A bird's eye view of the history of the IUCN Commission on Education and Communication,
Frits Hesselink with Jan Cerovsky, Gland: IUCN 2008
Pdf: Learning to change the future
Island voices - island choices : developing strategies for living with rapid ecosystem change in small islands
Frits Hesselink with Rietbergen, Simon ; Hammond, Tom ; Sayegh, Chucri ; and Mooney, Kieran - IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management - Gland : IUCN, 2008
Pdf:Island voices - island choices
Report of a Scoping Visit to Mauritius, Demand Articulation for Capacity Development in Ecosystem Restoration and Management for Small Island Developing States
Frits Hesselink, Eben Chonguiça, Simon Rietbergen, IUCN 2006
Pdf: Report of a Scoping Visit to Mauritius
CEPA Toolkit: Results Supply Side Survey
Frits Hesselinkwith Andy Alm, IUCN Commission on Education and Communication 2006, Gland Switzerland, 2006
Pdf: CEPA Toolkit: Results Supply Side Survey
CEPA Toolkit: Results Demand Articulation Survey
Frits Hesselinkwith Andy Alm, IUCN Commission on Education and Communication, Gland Switzerland, 2006
Pdf: CEPA Toolkit: Results Demand Articulation Survey
Towards a Conservation Learning Network: Report of a Quick Scan among Young Professionals in Protected Area Management
Frits Hesselink, IUCN Commission on Education and Communication, Utrecht 2003
Pdf: Towards a Conservation Learning Network
Communication Strategy and Action Plan for the PARC Project
Frits Hesselink and Dinh Thi Minh Thu, Forest Protection Department Vietnam, UNEP, UNDP, IUCN Asia Program, IUCN Commission on Education and Communication, Hanoi – Vietnam, 2003
Pdf: Draft Report
Global Perceptions of Conservation and Sustainable Development, A Survey
Frits Hesselink (Ed.), IUCN Commission on Education and Communication, Gland 2003
Pdf: Final Report
Perception is the only reality, Report of a Quick Scan among major CEC External Stakeholders, Towards a Strategic Plan for CEC 2004 – 2010
HECT Consultancy 2003
Pdf: Report
Communication, Education & Public Awareness towards Participation in Sustainable Development, The role education and communication can play when dealing with issues of sustainable development
Frits Hesselink In: Proceedings: First International Conference on Public participation of the Asia-Europe Meeting, Bangkok, 10-12 June 2002
Pdf: Article for the Proceedings
Em busca de uma estrategia de educacao e difusao da Agenda Marrom, Ministeria do Meio Ambiente, Secretaria de Qualidade Ambiental nos Assentamentos Humanos
Ecom, HECT Consultancy, IUCN Commission on Education and Communication, Brasilia, 2002
Report of the IUCN Workshop on Strategic Communication for the Brazilian Ministry of Environment
Ecom, HECT Consultancy, IUCN Commission on Education and Communication, Rio de Janeiro, 2002
European Commission: Environmental Education and Training in Europe. Overview of the trends and strategies for the Commission. Based on interviews with thirty experts from Member States and desk-research
HECT Consultancy, Utrecht 2000
Web: Environmental Education and Training in Europe. Background paper for the European Union Conference on EE&T in Europe, Brussels 3 - 4 May 1999
European Commission: Environmental Education and Training in Europe, Analysis and reporting conference results
Frits Hesselink with Peter Paul van Kempen, HECT Consultancy, Utrecht 2000
Web: General Report, Conclusions and Policy Recommendations. Conference on Environmental Education and Training in Europe, organised by the European Commission, Brussels 3 - 4 May 1999
Expert meeting on Biodiversity Education and Public Awareness towards Global communities of practice - conference report, Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands
Edited by Robin Pistorius (AidEnvironment) and Frits Hesselink (HECT Consultancy), IUCN Commission on Education and Communication Amsterdam 2001
Communication training for ASIAN Biodiversity Co-ordinators: a needs assessment
Frits Hesselink with Peter Paul van Kempen, HECT Consultancy, IUCN Commission on Education and Communication, 2000
Web: Report
ESDebate : international debate on education for sustainable development
Hesselink, Frits (Ed.) ; Kempen, Peter Paul van (Ed.) ; Wals, Arjen (Ed.) - IUCN Commission on Education and Communication ; IUCN ; Denmark, Danida - Gland : IUCN, 2000
Pdf: Internet Discussion on Education for Sustainable Development