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The Art of Positive Change
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The Art of Positive Change
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Biodiversity in Hotels, Responsible Use of Biological Resources in the Daily Management of Hotels
Frits Hesselink with Richard Tapper, Ghislain Dubois and Marie Lootvoet, Gland, IUCN 2008 (also in French)
Pdf: Biodiversity: My hotel in action
How can the idea of establishing a PA be promoted effectively, and in which way can stakeholders participate in the development of the idea, Module 22 MSc Course on Protected Area Management
Frits Hesselink, University of Klagenfurt, 2006
Ppt: Presentation FH on communication module 22
Redefining Capacity Development for the 21st century, New Learning for Sustainable Solutions
Frits Hesselink with Keith Wheeler and Corli Pretorius, IUCN Commission on Education and Communication - Gland : IUCN, 2005
Pdf: Redefining Capacity Development for the 21st century
Beyond training: protected area organizations as learning organizations. Developing capacity to change towards management in partnership
Frits Hesselink with Eddy Idle and Gwen van Boven in: Communicating Protected Areas, Hamú, Denise, ed. ; Auchincloss, Elisabeth, ed. ; Goldstein, Wendy, ed. - IUCN Commission on Education and Communication - Gland : IUCN, 2004
Web: Search IUCN catalogue for this publication
Developing capacity for communication – managing change for biodiversity results
Frits Hesselink with Wendy Goldstein in: Proceedings of the Norway/UN Trondheim Conference on Technology Transfer and Capacity Building, Dandlund, O.T. ; Schei, P.J. (Eds), June 23-27, Trondheim, Norway, 2003
Workshop Manual : ITTO Guidelines for the Restoration, Management and Rehabilitation of Degraded and Secondary Tropical Forest
IUCN Forest Program in collaboration with InterCooperation, CIFOR, WWF, IUCN Commission on Education and Communication, Gland – Switzerland, 2003
Pdf: Workshop Manual
Web: Workshop Manual
Education, Training and Public Awareness on Climate Change
Frits Hesselink in: Final report on the workshop on Education, Training and Public Awareness on Climate Change, Valsain Spain, May 2002, Paco Heras, IUCN Commission on Education and Communication, Gland 2002
Communication, Education & Public Awareness towards Participation in Sustainable Development, The role education and communication can play when dealing with issues of sustainable development
Frits Hesselink In: Proceedings: First International Conference on Public participation of the Asia-Europe Meeting, Bangkok, 10-12 June 2002
Pdf: Article for the Proceedings
Workshop Manual for training in strategic communication for Asian Biodiversity Planners
Frits Hesselink with Dunmai Cowasjee, Bangkok, Thailand, 2002
Report of the IUCN Workshop on Strategic Communication for the Brazilian Ministry of Environment
Ecom, HECT Consultancy, IUCN Commission on Education and Communication, Rio de Janeiro, 2002
Lessons in knowledge management CEC
Frits Hesselink in: Managing Knowledge for Biodiversity Conservation, Report of the CEC Workshop at the IUCN World Conservation Congress, Amman, Jordan, Edited by Wendy Goldstein, 2001
Pdf: Report
Expert meeting on Biodiversity Education and Public Awareness towards Global communities of practice - conference report, Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands
Edited by Robin Pistorius (AidEnvironment) and Frits Hesselink (HECT Consultancy), IUCN Commission on Education and Communication Amsterdam 2001
Communication training for ASIAN Biodiversity Co-ordinators: a needs assessment
Frits Hesselink with Peter Paul van Kempen, HECT Consultancy, IUCN Commission on Education and Communication, 2000
Web: Report
ESDebate : international debate on education for sustainable development
Hesselink, Frits (Ed.) ; Kempen, Peter Paul van (Ed.) ; Wals, Arjen (Ed.) - IUCN Commission on Education and Communication ; IUCN ; Denmark, Danida - Gland : IUCN, 2000
Pdf: Internet Discussion on Education for Sustainable Development
European Expert Meeting on Sustainable Development and Environmental Education, Soesterberg, Netherlands, 1999, Conference Report, IUCN Commission on Education and Communication; Dutch Commission for Sustainable Development
Hesselink, Frits (Ed.) ; Kempen, Peter Paul van (Ed.), Amsterdam 2000
The role of IUCN – The World Conservation Union in Shaping Education for Sustainability
Frits Hesselink with Wendy Goldstein in: Wheeler, K., Bijur, A.P., Education for a Sustainable Future, Academic/Plenum Publishers, N.Y. Ch.8, 2000
Internetcourse Environmental Communication and Public Participation. A distance education course for Russian professionals in government, enterprises and NGOs
Frits Hesselink with Peter Paul van Kempen and Egbert Tellegen, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands Matra, 2000
Web: Interactive course for environmental communication & public participation
Learning for sustainable management
Frits Hesselink in: Learning to Sustain: Promoting Understanding in Protected Areas, Conference Report - Losehill Hall, 9-12 September 1999, European Committee for Environmental Education, IUCN Commission on Education and Communication, Gland, 2000
Pdf: Conference Report
Training Manual for Effective Communication for Biodiversity Conservation, 20 modules
Frits Hesselink with Rutger Jan Schoen, and Wendy Goldstein, IUCN CEC, Utrecht Netherlands,1998